Thursday, July 26, 2007

Chubby Pants

I went to the outlet mall with my mom and sister after work today to hunt for some new capri pants. There weren't very many people in the store since it was pouring outside, but I did notice one couple shopping. The poor guy looked like he had been dragged along. I passed them again as I was leaving the fitting rooms and I saw the lady (who was heavyset) modeling the pants she tried on for her boyfriend. They decided she needed a larger size, so she turned around for him to look at the tag so he could retrieve the next pair. The type of pants she had chosen were labeled "Curvy", but her boyfriend couldnt remember that so he turned around on his way out and said "16 Chubby, right?". Oh, you should have seen her face. "It's CURVY not CHUBBY!!!" Poor guy. I doubt they are on speaking terms now. So much damage done with one question. LOL. It was all I could do to stifle my laughs till they were out of sight. Can you imagine if they actually named them chubby pants? I dont care how cute they were - no one would by them. Period.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ouch. That is a hilarious, but slightly painful story...