Monday, May 26, 2008

When's your birthday?

So far our baby moon has been a huge success! We are now on our fourth day of relaxation, and we feel like better people for it. We've woken up only by our own internal clocks (read: Alex and Maggie), eaten late breakfasts, seen a movie, browsed some cute stores (for my sake), taken walks, and finished the nursery. Today we have big plans to read, lay around the house, and go to a Memorial Day cook-out at Amy & Eric's house. Life couldn't be more sweet!

I have one final week at work before I will be on maternity leave. I can't believe we are so close! Officially, we have 10 days until the induction, but at my appointment last week my doctor told me that I had progressed enough that she wouldn't be shocked to see me in the hospital before my next appointment on Thursday! We've seen some signs that everything is continuing to progress, so maybe we'll get to meet her even sooner than June 5th. Every day we tap my belly and ask her "When's your birthday, little girl? Is it today?" We don't get much more of a response than a kick, but I guess she'll let us know soon enough. Even though we can't wait to hold her, we are still very grateful for these last few days together.

Anyway, here is the really fun part! Her nursery! I've had so much fun decorating it and making sure everything is just right for her arrival. The only part that isn't complete is the frame above her changing table. We are waiting for the maternity portraits we ordered that should be ready in a couple of weeks. We also got a custom matte from Michaels that comes in on Friday. I'll post those images when we get them! Here's a quick tour of the nursery (the pic to the left is from the doorway):

One of our favorite decorations is Amy's discovery: the "Dream" blocks over the crib. We took my Mom out to lunch for a belated Mother's Day celebration and then wandered around the cute shops in downtown McKinney, one of which had the letter-blocks tucked in a back corner. Frank and I discovered the painting on the wall next to the crib at a doll store this weekend, and it was sort of the finishing touch (so yes, downtown McKinney has lots to offer!).

One of my favorite things to do is go fling open the closet doors and look at her cute little clothes hanging on those little hangers. Frank always looks at me like I'm being weird, but look how cute! She also has a dresser full of cute pink things! I had a blast organizing the onesies by size and color.

And then, of course, there are several miscellaneous things that look very fun... but we're obviously still missing a rather significant piece: the baby!

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