Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mimi!

Friday we celebrated Mimi's birthday with lunch, cake, and ice cream at her house. She picked up Carter and Allison on Friday morning as usual, and brought them back to her house to 'help' decorate. Allison was in charge of choosing the streamer colors, and Carter was in charge of tearing them at the appropriate length. Mimi always knows the perfect jobs for little ones.

Frank, myself, Laura, and her daughter Shannon showed up around lunch time so we could eat and play. Mimi thought it would be more fun to give the kids presents on her birthday than to receive them herself, so she got Allison and Carter buckets filled with fun toys like bubbles, water guns, and bath toys. Allison has enjoyed her bucket every day since!

Thank you for the fun party, Mimi! Happy Birthday!

Friday, May 28, 2010

This Little Light of Mine

One of Allison's new favorite things to do is participate in songs. Last night she 'sang' along to This Little Light of Mine. Gotta love her enthusiasm! Don't be afraid to hit play. I had Frank sing instead of me, since I cant even carry a simple children's tune. :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thank you, Aunt Susan!

As I mentioned in my last post, Allison's second birthday is next week. My Aunt Susan knew EXACTLY what she needed - two Texas A&M t-shirts! I let her wear one of them yesterday, and she looked so cute that I had to grab the camera.

Aunt Susan, thank you so much for the perfect gift! We love it! But you don't have to take my word for it... Allison will tell you herself. Love you!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Please turn!

Two weeks ago at my OB check, I was informed that the baby is laying in the 'transverse' position which means she is laying across my belly. I had another OB check today, and was disappointed to find out that she has definitely not moved yet. The doctor was positive that she felt her head on my left side and a pair of feet on the right. I'll be 34 weeks in a couple of days, and I'm told that babies run out of room to change positions by 37 weeks.

If she still hasn't moved by my 37 week appointment, they will schedule an ultrasound to determine her exact positioning. Then I have to decide if I want them to try to turn her by using a technique called an 'external version' or just schedule a c-section. Honestly, I don't want either. I haven't heard good things about the external version, and I REALLY don't want a c-section! Since I don't consider either of them good options, I'm just hoping she'll go ahead and make the move very soon. I'm trying not to stress about it, because in the end we have a healthy little girl, but I can't seem to stop worrying.

That's all. Just thought I'd share.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Where are you, water?

I usually start a blog post with a least a vague mental outline of the things I want to share, but in this case I'm blogging simply because it's been a long time since my last post, and also because I know I won't have much quiet time to myself in the very near future. For a very long time now, I've had nothing but myself to blame for a lack of posting. Yes, life is busy and there are always other things I could be doing that are productive, but in the end the truth is that I hate writing and always have. The subject is irrelevant. I would much rather express myself through conversation because I feel like I can make my point more effectively and certainly in less time. But here I am anyway, because I desperately want to remember these days exactly for what they are. Since I also have a serious aversion to scrap-booking this is the only other way I can think of to "easily" document my life as a parent, and to one day give my kids a glimpse into their childhood. (Side note: I know MANY women who love to scrap-book, and I applaud you. You do amazing work and I am always jealous of your neat, organized, and artsy books of your kids. I just have NO patience for that much detail. But if anyone wants to make one FOR me... :))

There is no other way to describe Allison right now, than to say that she is just too stinkin' cute. She is talking almost non-stop, and she is finding new ways to use her words daily! I'm totally amazed by her. I just watched a video I took of her a year ago when she had just started walking, and she was just a babbling little baby. Now, Allison will be turning two in less than two weeks!! I can't believe how much she's changed!

I've been trying to teach her to answer the question 'how old are you?' for about a week, but I think the concept of age is totally lost on her. I hold up my two fingers to represent the number, and she thinks that is fantastic. She isn't able to do it with her hand for some reason, so she just bends fingers at random (looking more like a claw) and yells 'TWO!'. See what I mean by cute??

I think talking with Allison is my new favorite thing. She speaks mainly in phrases now, and I'm still not used to it. I actually have to pay attention when she talks now to figure out what she's trying to communicate instead of assuming that it's just baby babble like it was just 6 months ago. Some of her most used phrases are:

I see a ___. (could be anything from an airplane to a ladybug)
what are you doing?
where are you going or where did #name go?
more ___ .
no, mine! (we are working to extinguish that one!)
good morning, Mama. (one of my favorites)
here you go!
Thank you, welcome!
I don't see 'em.
There he/she is!
I don't know.
Ready, set, go!
What's this?
See you later!

She also addresses me specifically when she talks, and I'm not sure where she learned that. For example, she will say 'thank you, mama', 'ready, mama', or 'more crackers, mama'. It's the sweetest thing, and I love it!

Frank and I made a trip to Borders a couple weeks ago so that everyone in the family could get a new book. Allison made it out with 'Goodnight Moon'. Great book! I'm sure most of you know it, but the whole book is about a bunny going to bed and he is saying goodnight to everything in his room. Last week I told Allison it was nap-time so she ran to her room and sat on her bed facing all of her stuffed animals. The next thing I hear is 'night pillow, night baby, night bear, night sheep, night Tasha (Backyardigans stuffed toy), night mama, night Maggie, night book...'. I called Frank and asked if he taught her that, but no, she had decided to apply the book to her nap all on her own. I love her imagination!

Here are some pictures of our trip to the zoo that was almost two months ago. Frank and I were convinced that she would love seeing the animals, but in reality, she just wanted to run free around the zoo. She seemed mostly irritated when we'd stop her to show her an exhibit, so in the end we just let her run. She had a blast!

The rest of these pictures are pretty random, but you'll notice that most of them are outside and involve water in some way. Frank taught her how to water the tree in our backyard, so that has become almost a daily task for them that I'm pretty sure she looks forward to all day. We also go and swim at her Aunt Amy's house every couple of weeks.

I'll leave you with few more pictures and a cute video of Allison. She loves to brush her teeth and wash her hands which we did after our trip to the park last week. I was trying to get her to talk so everyone could hear her sweet voice, but of course kids never perform. Notice, though, that when I ask her to say 'I love you, mama' she instead says 'love, Papa'. Lately, my dad has been the only one she will say that she loves, and it's true that he's her favorite person in the world. We can't figure out what he did to win her affections, but she is totally sold!