Allison will be turning one a week from tomorrow, and it still makes me sad. I haven't cried yet, but I think that's coming. I sent out her birthday invitations this week, and I'm making all of the party plans. It's a small party, but the planning keeps me distracted enough not to think about her growing up.
I've noticed some changes in her lately that I don't like, and I attribute it to her getting older and wiser, as well as finally realizing her true potential as a fallen sinner. :) She has begun to follow me around the house crying because she wants me to hold her all day. I don't know where this is coming from because that has NEVER been a habit of mine.
She is also testing the boundaries of how far she can push the "no touch" rule. Frank and I decided not to baby proof our house (other than cabinet and light switch proofing) because we wanted her to have these lessons. She definitely understands what 'no touch' means, but she will eye me and put one finger on something she knows isn't hers! When that doesn't work, she'll touch the same object with a toy because that isn't actually HER touching it. Can you believe her?? I've tried a myriad of things to 'punish' her for these lapses in judgement, and so far swatting her on the back of her thigh is the only punishment that doesn't elicit a laugh and then turns the punishment into a game.
We found out a few weeks ago that Allison really likes apples. She still only has her bottom two teeth (yes, believe it or not) so I was surprised at how well she could eat a sliced apple. She'll work on one slice for about 15 minutes and eats most of it. I got some pictures of her eating it last time. Look at those big brown eyes!!
We are still working on walking, but she is not that close yet to having down a repeatable technique. When we set her up to walk she leans forward like she would if she were pushing her walking toy. Obviously that does nothing for her balance. I'm going to put up her walking toy, though, so she can learn some new walking habits.
We took a picture of her with each of us, but neither of us want to be on a blog in our swim gear, so you will have to be satisfied with pictures of her at home wearing her swimsuit.
One of Allison's favorite games is peek-a-boo. Frank and I will hide behind anything and pop out and yell 'boo!'. She thinks it's SO funny. Last weekend she was wearing a dress, and I was using that to play the game with her as she laid on the floor. I would pull up her dress and hide behind it and then pull it down real quick. Again - hilarious to a one year old. So my smart kid figures out that she can play this, too. She grabs the bottom of her dress and raises it enough to hid her face and then drops it quickly while squealing at the same time! She really gets it! We probably played that round for 10 minutes. I wish I had gotten it on camera. She was so proud of herself!
Finally, Allison hates things on her head now - including bows. She pulls them off immediately, so if I need her to wear one for a picture I have to distract her for a while to make her forget that she's got it on. She never forgets for long, though. Give her about 20 minutes and she'll be feeling around on her head to pull it off. I guess this means no birthday hat! Sad!
That's all for now. I'll of course post something next week about her party. Check back soon!